A vegetable garden is a garden in which vegetables, herbs and fruit that cannot be grown in an orchard are grown. Its success is not an easy task because it requires good care and a range of other elements. To make your vegetable garden a success, reading the next few lines of this article will give you some better tips to consider.

The soil must be well cared for

Before starting a vegetable garden, the care of the soil is the first and most important step because a poorly maintained vegetable garden soil will give a poor yield. For this reason, it is recommended to dig the soil deeply and to use natural fertilisers. The use of these fertilizers improves the texture of the soil and provides the necessary nutrients for the food crop. It is recommended to use organic fertilizers in order to have a vegetable garden full of organic products, products without harmful effects on health. When you see a soil, you can’t determine its fertiliser needs directly, so the best option is to have it analysed in a laboratory. But generally, before adding any fertiliser to a soil, it is sufficient to loosen it without turning it over.

Opting for a good position for the vegetables

A successful vegetable garden is characterised by a good yield, and for a good yield the position of the plants is an important element. It is recommended to position the tallest plants on the north side of the garden so that they can provide good shade for the smaller plants. Also, when you are new to vegetable gardening, the best way to get a good yield is to choose plants that are much easier to grow. For example, you can choose to grow vegetables such as beans, lettuce, carrots, beetroot, radishes, cucumbers and plants that produce well such as tomatoes.

Improving crop production

A very important tip for successful vegetable gardening is to adopt several techniques in order to optimise production, prevent various deficiencies and reduce the risk of diseases and pests. To do this, you can choose to fertilise the soil with rich compotes and grow nutrient-demanding plants in the first year of production. The following year plants that require medium nutrients like leafy vegetables can be grown. For the third year, growing root vegetables or legumes is ideal because they require few nutrients. There is also the technique of intercropping, where fast-growing vegetables are planted in the rows of slow-growing vegetables.



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